sculptural | sitting furniture | lines
"The boundaries are unclear and movable. Everything depends on the proportions here, as it was also the case with the point. The absolute is brought by the relative to an indistinctly diminished sound.In practice the 'going-to-the-limit' is pronounced much more precisely than only purely theoretically. 'Going-to-the-limit' is a powerful means of expression, a powerful instrument (finally an element) for compositional purposes. " Wassily Kandinsky

"Aristoteles works out the contrast of point of time on the one hand and duration on the other hand. It is the problem of the present, the point of the present, which would have to be solved in the comprehension of time. Because if the time is put together from past, present and future, then it is only past and future which have a certain extension. It is only the present that exists. The past is no more, the future not yet. So, present is at one hand the real thing about time, at the other hand it is fleeting to the point of disappearance."
Lorenz Engel

Boundaries are fixed constructs characterized by certain circumstances such as physical capabilities, technological progress, personal sensibilities, etc. Boundaries are not static endpoints, rather they define the current state of things. However, they can be redefined at any time. This becomes clear when we look at the history of bridge building, for example: At first, only a narrow river could be crossed with the help of a tree trunk. Over time this boundary has shifted again and again due to technical progress, so that now in our modern times kilometer-long bridges are being built.
In addition, I became more and more interested in the relationship between point, line and surface. Furthermore I dealt with the question, where the borders are, when a point becomes a line and the line becomes a surface.
According to Heraklits views concerning the perception of reality, reality does not consist of fixed facts, but is exposed to constant change. Everything we perceive as objects, in his opinion, is a collection of many tiny point-like elements that are constantly moving, grouping and regrouping.
According to eleatic theory, however, objects can in no way be understood as a set of points, ordered in any way.
Because the point does not have any perceptible extension and has therefore the factor zero. Mathematically seen, any accumulation of zeros results in zero at the end. If a point is extended, a line is created and thus becomes perceptible.
Based on the mentioned approaches I have designed TH01_MK01.
TH01_MK01 is a sculptural seating furniture, which consists only of lines and thus can create surfaces, which serve as a seat.
From a base frame of burnished steel tubes extend five more steel tubes, which are equipped with joints to be able to change both the angle of inclination and of rotation. The semi-transparent silicone cords spanned between them create different structures, which on the one hand are suitable for sitting on, and on the other hand only express their sculptural value. This allows the user to decide how he/she wants to use TH01 MKI. By using it, one can thus create the most diverse variations and moments on which to sit.
By using mainly rasterless adjustable joints, the transience of the present is expressed. Thus, each composition of TH01 MKI is unique. While one can create an approximation of the previous variation at any time, one will never be able to hit exactly the same angle a second time.
Model: Daniel Diermeier
Dank: Janik Sailer, Michel Lörz, Daniel Diermeier